Groß Gerungs
Groß Gerungs: 675 meters
Vacation in Groß Gerungs
Health is very important in Groß Gerungs.
Groß Gerungs is a village where health is extremely important, and is located in the Waldviertel Hochland.
Various institution offer in this village therapies and treatments, and wellness, while the climate with little mist, and the peaceful surroundings are a blessing for mind and body.
Mountain Sports
In the healthiest corner of Austria, there are numerous hiking trails around the village. For cyclists there are plenty of opportunities here.
Water Sports
The natural pool regulates the water completely without chemicals, and facilities include a diving tower, a slide and a playground.
One of the last narrow gauge railways in Austria.
Very nice is a ride with the Waldviertel Bahn across the Waldviertel Semmering. It is one of the last narrow gauge railways in Austria, which runs in the summer months on weekends with steam locomotives.
Winter Groß Gerungs
Accommodations Groß Gerungs
Tourist information office
Hauptplatz 18 3920 Groß Gerungs
Telephone: +43 (0)2812 8611
Surrounding Villages