Neudorf bei Staatz
220 meters
Vacation in Neudorf bei Staatz
In Neudorf bei Staatz is especially enjoying a vacation, very important.
Neudorf bei Staatz is a charming village that has a lot of recreation to offer, in addition to various sports and classic concerts and exhibitions.
The village is situated in a quiet countryside between vineyards, fields and forests, and here is especially enjoying a vacation, very important.
Mountain Sports
Neudorf bei Staatz is a fantastic area for hiking and cycling, for example on the beautiful Veltliner cycle path, from Laa, the brewery town, to the Galgenberg.
Water Sports
Opportunities for water sports, such as swimming in beautiful pools, are offered in several other villages in the Weinviertel.
Barockschloss Kirchstetten.
Worth seeing are the Mariensäule, the Marschall monument, Barockschloss Kirchstetten, one of the most beautiful baroque palaces in Austria, the Herz-Jesu-Kapelle, and Hl. Geist Kirche Kirchstetten.
Winter sports Lower Austria
Tourist information office
Stadtplatz 43 2136 Laa an der Thaya
Telephone: +43 (0)2522 250152
Surrounding Villages