St. Michael im Lungau
1.075 meters
Vacation in St. Michael im Lungau
St. Michael im Lungau offers various recreational opportunities.
In St. Michael im Lungau it does not matter in what season you want to enjoy a well deserved holiday.
Each season has its own characteristic, and you 'll feel perfectly every time here, whether you come alone or with your family.
The village offers various recreational opportunities, and possibilities for a daytrip in the area.
Mountain Sports
A very impressive area if you want to go hiking, for example, on the beautiful nature trail.
Also fun, especially for children, a visit to the Pony Express.
Water Sports
The sunny and heated swimming pool offers water fun for young and old.
A well maintained sunbathing area with windpoor sunbathing, hot showers and baths with pure spring water provide fun and relaxation at the highest level.
Adventurepark Katschberg.
Very nice, sporty and impressive is the Adventure Park Katschberg, with over 150 different stations, and just something for brave vacationers.
For golf lovers, the village has a beautiful golf course at Golf Club Lungau.
Winter sports Großeck Speiereck
Tourist information office
Raikaplatz 242 5582 St. Michael
Telephone: +43 (0)6477 8913
Surrounding Villages
Großeck Speiereck
St. Margarethen