Biospärenpark Sightseeing

Biospärenpark Großes Walsertal Summer Vacation


Puppen- und Spielzeugmuseum

The Doll and Toy Museum has a large collection of dolls and toys.

Propstei St. Gerold

The Propstei St. Gerold is the cultural highlight of the region.

Hotel, a restaurant in the basement of the monastery, a wine cellar, guided tours and well known across the borders forthe training programs and concerts.

Blumen-Lehrpfad Faschina

The area around the Hahnenkopf on the north side of the Biosphärenpark has about 150 special plants.

The plants are protected, and through billboards you can get more information while enjoying the beautiful flowers.


In Faschina at the Hahnenkopf is the summer tubing track. The track is very popular with children and families, and can be used by children over 4 years.